Ride - 岑宁儿
Produced by:甯子达 Michael Ning (O.M.D) /岑宁儿 Yoyo Sham
Arranged by:甯子达/温奕哲
Vocal Producer:布兰地 Brandy
Background Vocals Arranged by:岑宁儿
Background Vocals:岑宁儿/布兰地 Brandy/甯子达
Acoustic Guitars:甯子达
Electric Guitar Solo:屠衡
Acoustic Bass:甯子达
Banjo Guitar:甯子达
Cello:刘涵 (隐分子乐团)
Drums:Aaron Comess
Percussion:Steve Thornton
Recording Engineers:单为明/周翰 @ LightsUp Studio/Roman Klun@ His House Studio, NY
Mixing Engineer:John Davis @ The Bunker Studio, NY
Mastering Engineer:Alex DeTurk
Been walking in a circle
Looking for a place to call home
For a reason bigger
Than my own
Go on
There's no destination this is it
Where you are is where you're supposed to be
So all I could do is breathe
Take a step and see
If the wind catches me then I fly
Rain catches me then I fall
Life is a wave that we ride on
Sounds to me like a song
Why not sing along
High is no better than low
Fast is no better than slow
Freedom is simply seeing
Nothing is under control